
Monday, December 14, 2020

Give Yourself a Holiday Gift

Sometimes loss is so devastating it sends you into a seemingly never-ending downward spiral.

Are you finding yourself descending into darkness rather than looking for the positive ray of sunshine present in every situation? Try to remember that every event in life is neutral. It is neither good nor bad; positive nor negative; happy nor sad. It is you, and your response, which gives meaning to the event.

It’s not my intention to mitigate any loss you may have sustained, including the emotional toll the pandemic has taken, as well as those loved ones you may have lost because of it. However, you can look at a negative/sad ‘event’ as the most horrible thing that has happened to you, or it can be seen as a closing of one door and the unlimited possibility of new doors to open and explore.

Mourning is a very necessary process, and there is no time limit on how long it should take you to reach a renewal of your soul after loss. It’s a personal decision; however, please know in your heart, it should not go on indefinitely. At some point, it’s necessary to start looking forward rather than backwards. This also does not happen in one fell swoop. It’s gradual and moves in baby steps. One day you will turn around and realize how far you have really come.

In regard to my own prior losses, I neither idly spent my time waiting for my grief to end nor did I grieve the same each day during my journey. As I moved forward, I found there were many times I believed I had resolved my grief. But grief is very sneaky, and other issues often lurked around the corner lying in wait to push me back.

If you encounter a similar situation on your journey, allow your perception of the situation to come into play. You have the choice to consider your issues as insurmountable and something to fear, or you could say – “Oh goody, another problem to solve!” Just think of the power with which you could infuse yourself after you figure out what went wrong and then can figure out how to fix it.

We are all beings of energy. We have the power to surge forward in our lives and fill it with happiness, love, and success. The secret to keep in mind is that if we emit negative energy, negativity will find us. If we emit a fear of living and trusting again, guess what? You will attract fearful and mistrustful situations again. If you are always angry, you will attract angry people to you. If you feel sorry for yourself, then others will too. If you think there will never be another person with whom you will connect, it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy. 

Give yourself a gift this holiday season (and every other season of the year, too). Take time off from being sad and lonely; mad at the world; apprehensive about the future; and any other negative thought you may have. Wear a smile on your face and project positive energy, and you may be surprised at what life has in store for you!


If you're having a hard time coping with the pandemic, you're not alone. For some suggestions on how to get through this trying time, check out my new book: PANDEMIC: How To Cope With The Emotional Fallout.

Available on Amazon and free until the end of February, if you belong to Kindle Unlimited.

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