
Friday, November 5, 2010

I'm Seeing RED Today!!

I'm seeing R.E.D. today! No, I'm not angry. 
It's my new buzz word, and it stands for 

So, what does that mean exactly? Well, before I explain it, the high school English teacher in me feels obligated to show you how these three words have a long history of connectivity.
Taking a look at their origins, all three came into usage between 1400 and 1600 and have the same Latin root.
     Revolve, from the Latin revolvere, means to roll or turn around
     Evolve, form the Latin evolvere, mean to unroll, open or unfold
     Dissolve, from the Latin dissolvere, means to loosen
Okay, enough with the English lesson! What does R.E.D. really mean and how can you put it to use in your life?
Revolving, or turning your head, lets you see people and issues from a new perspective. With these new thoughts and ideas, you can begin to see the part you play in your own life dramas. This fresh insight allows the old to become new; obstacles to become opportunities; or even good friends to turn into prospective romantic partners.
Once you have "revolved" or opened up your mind to new possibilities, you can begin to examine your attitude and emotions toward a particular person, event or circumstance. Work towards coming to neutral by feeling your emotions so you can process them through your mind, body and soul. Once processed, try removing the emotional connotations you have assigned to a particular circumstance/issue. It is at neutral where you can make the greatest strides in your evolution towards greater understanding and enlightenment. Additionally, it is the place where you are more likely to clearly see both sides of an issue, which will allow you to figure out the way for you to move forward in your life.

With an action plan in hand, you can then move towards loosening your foothold from the unwanted muck and mire of your life. In other words, you are dissolving the attitudes and emotions that have kept you stuck in the place in which you find yourself and one in which you would rather not be.

If you are feeling stuck in your life, use R.E.D. as a reminder to step back and look at the larger picture of your life! 
I invite you to join me and see R.E.D. in your life today!

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